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News: 21 Sep 2021

CCI Congratulates Patricia Messinger on her induction to Irish Radio Hall of Fame

21 Sep 2021

CCI would like to congratulate Cork broadcasting legend, Patricia Messinger, for being inducted into the Irish Radio Hall of Fame!  This terrific honour is well deserved, and all of us at CCI couldn’t be happier for Patricia. The Hall of Fame is the highest accolade in Irish Radio and it is fantastic that Patricia is there among all the other wonderful Irish broadcasters.  Patrica has been presenting Cork Today on C103 for the last 31 years.

Patricia is the voice of the morning radio in Cork and CCI Voluntary CEO, Adi Roche, has had the pleasure of speaking with Patricia several times on air over the years.  Patricia was the first radio broadcaster to speak on air with Adi about the devastating Chernobyl disaster and has remained closely linked to Chernobyl Children International since.

Patricia’s life changed forever when she travelled to Chernobyl in 1999  and came across a little girl in an orphanage called Marsha.  Marsha, who is deaf, blind, and non-verbal, was sure to have died in that orphanage if it wasn’t for Patricia and her husband Brendan, who decided to save her life and adopt Marsha.  When speaking at the acceptance of her induction to the Hall of Fame, Patricia said that her radio programme has given her much more than a career, it gave her and her husband their greatest joy…their daughter Marsha.

We would like to offer our sincerest congratulations once again to Patricia on this fantastic honour.  Patricia is a true broadcasting legend and it has been a privilege to have her involved with CCI down through the years.