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News: 27 Apr 2016

“one of the blackest days in human history and human tragedy” Adi Roche

27 Apr 2016

On 30th Anniversary of one of the blackest days in human history and human tragedy, let us rage against that dying light- that dimming light of ‘not enough done’, of neglect, of forgetfulness, of abandonment, of indifference.

Let us renew and rekindle our commitment to the innocent victims of Chernobyl, the countless ordinary men and women, the innocent children, their lives, their hopes, their homes, their security and their safety. We will say to them once more ‘You are not forgotten, you are not irrelevant, we will do our utmost to care for and protect you. We are your brothers and your sisters, your pain and suffering is ours.’

Today we re-lit the beacon of hope in the ‘heart of hope’, at the United Nations. Let its light flash around this world especially let it fly to the dear people and land of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia to say to them, ‘look the flame is not quenched, the beacon is still alight, you are among friends and neighbours who care, not with just fine words but with positive and life changing initiatives of action’ -for there is always HOPE!


You can watch Adi Roche’s UN address via the below link:…/92nd-plenary-meeting-ge…/4864080910001